"Coltrane's Dear Lord drives Vinson's Lee Konitz-like sax subtlety toward an assertive edge, and a gorgeous From This Moment On shifts almost indolently between tempos" Full Review
"Everything about this album,which should contend for debut of the year honors,is a resounding success.The music swings effortlessly,every utterence is gorgeous and the recording is intimate and beautiful" Full Review
"OWL Trio is ear candy with depth and substance.These guys are creative restless explorers" Full Review
"The OWL Trio plays with an easy grace.... letting notes hang like whispers as they stroll through this tasty 11-song set.The camaraderie shines through as they take an eclectic set and make it beautifully cohesive" Full Review
- DOWNBEAT (Editors Picks)
"these guys rarely need more than one or two shots to make something magical happen.The chemistry, sensitivity and simpatico sensibilities exhibited by these three young men are evident at every turn....OWL Trio is one of those records that finds power in quiet expression, not raised volume or aggression. Lund, Vinson and le Fleming make for an absorbing combination" Full Review
"the group has come up with a creative sound that is as much their own as that of any ensemble working today.......There is an elegant exploration of John Coltrane’s “Dear Lord” by Vinson and he shines on Duke Ellington’s “Morning Glory” which opens the album" Full Review
"it's literally breathtaking, spellbinding..... careful, refined.....My heart stopped for a few minutes when I considered what an entire CD of exactly that strain would be like, head swimming, nerves electrified"
"The CD is the work of 3 friends, musicians attuned to the strengths each one brings to a program in which melody reigns supreme" Full Review
" tasteful set of unhackneyed jazz standards and thoughtful originals....plenty of deep improvisation and conspicuous musicianship" Full Review
" There’s a natural synergy, a comfortable ease, that guides them....Vinson’s delicate, sinuous alto runs and Lage’s twinkling chords sync and separate, all tranquil and cozy; le Fleming’s bass unassumingly moors them together" Full Review
"John Coltrane’s “Dear Lord” is as meditative as a vesper, while originals such as “Hallow” and “Church Going” are filled with creative angles and prismatic colors" Full Review